Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Just finished my first peice of crochet using a smaller hook and i am pleased with the result.  As you know a lot of my crochet is based on the Amigurumi style and this is the method i have used here.  I do think he is cute though and i think i can say this is 1/12th scale or 1/24th if you want a big pumpkin.  The pumpkin will be on my site priced at £3.50 plus p&p.  My fingers are a bit sore and working in this proportion is fiddely (don't know if that is the correct spelling) but it has made me want to try more, so keep watching.


  1. I love these pumpkins, they are lovely. I will put them in my next countdown to Halloween report :-) xxx

  2. Very cute Sara, I love it. I'm so envious of you miniature crocheters, I don't know how you do it!

  3. DerHäkel-Kürbis sieht aber sehr nett aus.

    Willkommen in der Mini-Bloggerwelt und liebe Grüße aus Germany

    PuNo / Monika

  4. Hi Sara, love the pumpkin! Printed off some posters and Colin has taken one for Montgomery Hall today.See you soon for a chat.

    Julie x

  5. adore the pumkins Sara they are just the job for halloween

