Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Little Donkey

After recieving a request for a pink knitted donkey I was a little concerned as i have only done bears before.  I had no pattern but by mixing a few togther and by using some of my own initiative She slowly came together.   I am really pleased with the result and so was the customer.  Only problem was i didnt want to part with her. 

Also as you can see from the photos, Holly our collie cross was a little jealous.

Sara x:o)


  1. Hi Sara, thank you for visiting me, and your sweet comment. This little donkey is just adorable! I can see why you don't want to give her up, and why Holly is jealous! I am going to explore your blog now..will be back later. Fairy Blessings, Christel

  2. Oooh so cute that little pink donkey ♥ Your dog have a reason to be jealous, the donkey is so lovely! haha
