Thursday, September 16, 2010

Two more pumpkins and two more welcomes

Welcome to Ascension and Otterine hope you come back for more visits. Sara x :o)

Had another go at the pumpkins, these are a liitle bigger but i think im getting the hang of it now,  unfortunately run out of the fimo, so i need to go shopping, what a shame!!


  1. I think they look very professional Sara. Bummer having to go shopping he he he.

    Victoria ♥

  2. Those are very good :)

    I like to come up with a decent shape and then play around some different colors of paint and shade the stuff in for realism and detail. Here's an example of paint shading I did on a seahorse for one of my custom orders (asked for by a customer of mine) I sold in my shop:

    So that was craft store paint and clear sealer over the top of plain-colored clay. What do you think? I thought it looked a tad more detailed that way myself. But maybe that's just me. But you know I mess up and then rinse the whole thing off and start over if I don't like what I did so no harm done if you hate it! Just an idea in case you want to play around with shading your stuff :)

    Your sculpting is very good! Well done :) Cute little pumpkins and candy!

  3. I love the pumpkins cool shape :-D. Much better than mine ha ha ha! I agree with Victoria what a shame to have to go shopping! ha ha!
